I learned about how to edit using Camtasia and expanded my knowledge on how to design online courses using Canvas. An article that stood out to me is Baldwin et al. (2018) because it taught me that accessibility is not given enough focus in most course rubrics. This is a subject I am passionate about, and I have been working to develop an accessibility rubric in my new position at Stanford. I used this article to reference how different rubrics described different accessibility standards. I found a lot of value in the Community of Inquiry model too. It is important to develop instructor presence and find ways to share experiences with the students (Stavredes, 2011). Instructors can connect their experiences to readings and activities. This can help build engagement and foster further discussion as students see how what they are learning is applied in the real world. Instructor videos are another way to reach students through online courses and asynchronous learning. In addition, there are a lot of new educational platforms and tools being developed to foster social presence and collaboration. For example, coding is often thought of as an individualistic task, but I recently learned about new educational technology trying to make coding more collaborative. I feel hope these kinds of platforms will continue to gain traction because social presence can be lacking in a lot of online courses. Overall, the learning theories and concepts I learned in this course are very relevant to my work experiences and I will continue to apply them in the future.
I am currently working on a project to create digital accessibility learning modules focused on educating instructional designers who create HR content. When I met with the lead instructional designer, we discussed how to determine what content to focus on. I suggested using backwards design and focusing on the accessibility strategies we want the instructional designers to incorporate. We quickly came up with a list of five key accessibility strategies that we want the instructional designers to incorporate. I am now working to create a list of learning objectives and specific learning activities to accomplish each goal. I think the design process Grant Wiggins covered in his videos is very applicable for this kind of problem solving. Another project I am working on is creating accessibility learning modules in Canvas for a different group of instructional designers. I am planning to incorporate some of the content I created regarding procurement and the other learning modules into this new Canvas course. In addition, I’d like to eventually offer the accessibility course I made as a professional development course. I will continue to work to tailor the course so that it can appeal to both instructors and working professionals. I am considering trying to create a study involving the course that I can use as my thesis. I think it would be interesting to gather feedback from students taking the course so I can learn how I can improve it even more. Lastly, I am using the Desmos’s graphing tool I created a tutorial video for in an upcoming presentation. I am planning to demonstrate how information can be conveyed in another medium by using Desmos.
Baldwin, S., Ching, YH. & Hsu, YC. Online course design in higher education: A review of national and statewide evaluation instruments. TechTrends 62, 46–57 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-017-0215-z
Stavredes, T. (2011). Effective online teaching: Foundations and strategies for student success. Jossey-Bass. https://boisestate.on.worldcat.org/oclc/747426551
Wiggins, G. (2013, February 28). Grant Wiggins - Understanding by design (1 of 2) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4isSHf3SBuQ
Wiggins, G. (2013, March 7). Grant Wiggins - Understanding by design (2 of 2) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4isSHf3SBuQ